Push Hands: Integrated Teacher Training 2025


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Push Hands: Integrated Teacher Training 2025 with Nils Klug

3 Workshops with embedded practical experience at the Push Hands Meeting



Push Hands: Integrated Teacher Training 2025 with Nils Klug

3 Workshops with embedded practical experience at the Push Hands Meeting


8./9.3. 2025 – WS 1 “Questions” and “Answers”: How to be a good partner and protect yourself

5./6.4.2025 – WS 2 Interactive Flow: Soft and fluid (yin), while focused and in control of oneself (yang)

24th International Push Hands Meeting

21./22.6.2025 – WS 3 Rules of free communication: Learning and teaching techniques

Time: Sat 15-20 + Sun 10-15

Location: Tai Chi Studio